VoyagerNetz is focussed on helping park districts solve community and team communication challenges
Instantly Reach the right community members with the right promotions and important info via text. Save up to 300% in time and effort dealing with customers questions and support requests.
Up to 300% more effective than phone
Save up to 300% of time and effort dealing with community questions and support requests.
Bring all messaging and texting channels together
Bring together all of your messaging and texting communication into a simple application.
Reach the right customers with the right promotions!
Imagine being able to instantly reach the right customer and prospect with the right promotion via text.
Track conversations and keep staff accountable
Allow your team to all be on the same page regarding customer questions and support requests in order to enhance your customer experience.
Allow customers to reach you on their channel of choice
Customers want to talk to organizations they love in the same way they talk to their loved ones - through messaging and texting.
It's all about the experience!
Our ultimate focus is on helping you provide customers with an amazing experience.
At VoyagerNetz our core focus and passion is on providing technologies to help our customers deliver amazing customer experiences.
Get critically important updates to the right people instantly
Whether class, event, facility or any other amenity - at times you have to get information and updates through to participants instantly. Texting is just the best possible channel to use for these updates.
We utilize the industry's best security systems for authentication and authorization
Our highest priority is the protection of your information, and we will not compromise on security.
Performance at scale!
With communication technology performance is critical!
VoyagerNetz Engage is able to instantly access data even at enormous scale. Scalability and speed is very important to us and we know that milliseconds matter when it comes to communication technology.